Thursday, January 31, 2013

Go For It!

Ok so yesterday I confessed to you that I want to be rad and today I'm unveiling my new motto- GO FOR IT! I'm going to starting Going for it! In everything that I do-I want to do it well, do it with a smile and do it with passion. As a passionate person my lack of "radness" has really started to get me down. I'm finding it hard to remember the last rad thing I did. So here I go. Today I am absolutely certain that I can Go For It!

I learned a lesson about myself last month that I'd like to share with you. In November I was asked to participate in a holiday boutique-specifically I was asked to have a baked goods table. So many thoughts and feelings ran through my mind about doing this. I felt excited, scared, and I doubted my talents. After some major pep talking from the people I trust most-I decided to go for it. And you know what? I found bliss! I absolutely loved baking! In the midst of the joy I was feeling I actually started to feel like I could do anything. I was so caught up in my excitement and passion that I literally started to think that there wasn't a recipe that I couldn't conquer-not a craft I couldn't attempt and not a thing that I could not do.

Unfortunately I started letting in my negative thoughts again and those thoughts attempted to hold me back. Well today with my new motto, "Go For It", those negative thoughts are going to have to hitch a ride back to Negativeville. I'm going to go for it! I have some Valentine's Day crafts that I'm going to share with you. I hope that you will enjoy them and I hope that they will somehow inspire you to Go For It, to really find your own passion, find what moves you and just GO FOR IT!

Oh my gosh-I almost forgot to tell you about a few of my favorite things that are bringing me some happiness during this cold winter!

1. MAC- For many years I have been a devoted Laura Mercier girl, and while I still love Laura... I've decided to add some fun to my life and enjoy the MAC life! My favorite thing from MAC right now is the pigments! I absolutely love these versatile jar of color! It looks like someone broke your eyeshadow and put it into a little jar. You can use them wet, dry, mixed in with other things i.e. clear nail polish, clear lip gloss... anything you can think of. I'm obsessed. My latest purchase is magenta madness-it is basically hot pink! It is so much fun and perfect for Valentines' Day! Don't be afraid of color-rad people are not afraid of color!

2. Coconut Oil- Why have I not jumped on this band wagon sooner? I have only been using coconut oil a week and I feel like my skin will never be the same. Coconut oil has evened out my skin tone, it has healed blemishes and overall made my skin glow! I hear that I should be eating at least 1 tablespoon of it today-I'll let you know how this goes. I love it!! I just wish that someone would have told me about it earlier.

3. Groopdealz/Very Jane Ok so you will either love me or hate me for showing you these websites. I hope that you will love me! Groopdealz and Very Jane are daily boutique type websites that have several items available every day at an extremely discounted price. I am addicted to both of these sites and am having so much fun with both of them. I've been able to get a lot of fun anthropology/j crew type jewelry without paying the anthropology/ j crew prices. :) Check them out!!!

4. HomeGoods- Oh HomeGoods! I love you. I can not explain how much fun I have going to HomeGoods! I love to look at all of the creative things I could put in my home. I've decorated and redecorated my apartment in my mind about 50 times during my visits to HomeGoods. I get lots of inspiration and some fun gems in this store and I really can't wait for the day when I have a home to decorate! If you've never been to HomeGoods-do yourself a favor and check it out!

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