Thursday, July 18, 2013

How falling off the wagon feels....

I was asked the other day for my blog address. I was embarrassed to tell the inquisitor because I knew that I hadn't updated in quite a while... I started thinking about all of the reasons that I have fallen off the wagon. It all comes down to excuses. I am so damn tired of the excuses that I make for myself. Here is a list of the top ten excuses that I've made:

1. I'm too tired! Sleep is more important than getting up and working out.
2. Its too hot, I can't possibly exert myself in this heat. (This excuse can also work for it being "too cold".)
3. I'll start on Monday! I can't possibly start a fitness regime on a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Cause you know, if I do the world may end.
4. I need to buy a new outfit to work out in... that will encourage me-oh look at those pretty shoes...
5. I'm too depressed to work out. (Damnit, I hate this one! I suffer from depression-but I am proud to say I was able to go off of my meds, by promising my doc that I would work out regularly... oops) This one really pisses me off to no end. I'll tell you why...I know full well that by only doing ten minutes of exercise I will improve my mood dramatically... but when you are feeling depressed it can be nearly impossible to motivate yourself.
6. My ankle/foot is killing me... I better stay off of it.
7. I don't have time... too much to do.
8. I can't work out if I'm not eating healthy, and I need to go and buy a bunch of health food first.
9. Nothing sounds fun! I need to buy a new workout dvd, and then I'll work out. (I currently own about 30, not to mention all of the free ones you can find online.)
10. I need a buddy and then I'll start.

Grrr! I'm so annoyed with myself. I hate being fat. Like- I seriously hate it. I don't identify myself as being fat, and if I could avoid mirrors for the rest of my life I'd probably live in denial. It is very rare for me to sit around and think about how fat I am. In most cases I find myself to be very flirtatious, out going, and bubbly. It is only after these interactions that I sometimes catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and think-yuck! The other time I am reminded of my size is during sex. When I'm naked I feel disgusting, I can't hide my body and I feel very self conscious. I am lucky to say that I married a man that loves my body, thinks I'm beautiful, and has learned the "right" and "wrong" things to say to me when I'm this vulnerable, but it doesn't stop me from feeling so unsexy. :(

So what can I do? I've fallen off that damn wagon so many times, and each time I get back on I try and convince myself that this time will be different. How can it be different? What do I need to change to make this time stick? I'm tired of wiping off the wagon wheel marks on my back. I want this time to be different. I know that I say this every time, but seriously-HELP! I have to lose weight. I want to be a mommy so bad but my body is telling me.... NOOOOOO! :( I have to get healthy. So spill it friends... what motivated you to get on the the band wagon and stay on...

Monday, February 11, 2013

My boobs are suffocating me

I'm just going to through this out there... I have big boobs. I have always had big boobs. My boobs have been the envy of some and the desire of a few-but to me they are just in the way. Today while I was working out my boobs actually tried to suffocate me! Seriously! Does anyone else have experience with this? I decided to get my butt off the couch today and I FINALLY turned on Jillian Michaels' Body Revolution (again). I'll get to that later on... but as I was in my living room working out I put my weights over my head to do some triceps press and there it was! My boobs started choking me! I noticed as I was trying my best to keep good form that my boobs were cutting off my breathing.

I'm gonna go ahead and say that I really need to shrink down the size of these bad boys! They have pissed me off for long enough. As a big chested woman, my boobs have always given me problems when I'm working out. I'll never forget the humiliation I suffered in a kickboxing class once when my female teacher actually came up to me and asked me how many sports bras I had to wear! To answer the curious-it depends... usually I can comfortably handle most work outs with two... if I'm running then sometimes three is better. It is totally a pain in the butt-and obviously not very comfortable!

So on to Jillian's Body Revolution... I love this program. I have a hard time sticking with most workout regimes... but I will say that I always find Jillian Michaels and Bob Harpers workouts to be very organized, straight forward, and butt kicking! The thing I love about this program is how convenient it is. I like working out at home and due to recent budget cuts its about all I can afford. I also like how short it is... I mean really-who doesn't have 30 minutes to dedicate to their health every day? I totally recommend this program to anyone that has at least some flexibility and wants to dedicate 90 days to an overall health make over.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Dirty "D" word

I'm going to talk about something today that is sometimes very difficult to talk about. Depression. As someone who has suffered from this for many years I can tell you it is very real-and very difficult to live with. I tend to be pretty open about my life-and I would think that most people that know me well have an idea that I suffer from depression; but there are some that would never guess that I have it. Most days I really try and put on my "happy face". I love to be happy and I really do have a positive outlook on life-but there are some days that leaving my house is a huge struggle. I have at times been open with certain people and have confessed how I was doing on some super low days-- but most of the time I really try and push it away.

I remember hearing from one woman when I was younger that she used to go in her bedroom and cry because she didn't want her children to know that she was having a bad day. It really upset me when I heard this because I thought, "oh come on lady... surely it is better to let your kids know that life isn't perfect and that even mommy has tough days," but now as I'm older I can understand why she wanted to hide that side of herself. Depression has a nasty stigma associated with it. Depression is ugly. No one likes to be around depressed people. Hell, when I get really low I don't even want to be around myself-so I get it.

Depression is heavy. There are times when I feel the weight of depression on my soul like a bolder. So what do I do? I've tried many things! I've tried natural, herbal, and medical pills. I don't feel like listing all of them because I am not a doctor and I can't say that I truly recommend anything that I've taken for long term depression assistance. The one and only thing that has worked for me on any kind of consistent basis without losing myself entirely is exercise!

Exercise is the only cure for my depression. I have done some-albeit limited- research on depression and the one thing that most doctors agree on is that exercise can be used to keep depression in check. I'm completely convinced that all of the nasty hormones that end up in our food have totally messed with our bodies and people who would have no other reason to suffer from depression are finding that depression is knocking on their door.

I won't lie-life is tough. The economy sucks, people are dying every day, and Taylor Swift keeps breaking up with her boyfriends-but when you suffer from a chemical imbalance and depression most days getting out of bed is almost impossible and there is nothing that can make you feel happy-not even Disneyland.

So why am I writing this? Well, I want people to know they are not alone. I want to try and shed some light on this issue for those of you that love someone who suffers from depression-you are not alone. It can be very difficult to love someone who is depressed-it takes a kind heart and a lot of patience. Thankfully my husband has both of those or else he probably would've chucked me a while ago. But-the point I'm really trying to make here is that there is help for depression. There are ways to fight it-and you don't have to suffer alone. I know that in the darkness of depression you feel almost like you will be swallowed up in to it-but there is a way out. Talk to your doctor, talk to a trusted friend-if you think you may be suffering from depression get some help.

Lastly, please don't judge those that suffer from depression-sometimes this stuff is really hard to deal with and we make choices and do things that we wouldn't normally do. Sometimes I make plans and have to cancel last minute because I just can't pull myself together enough to leave the house. I have literally gotten myself ready to go out several times only to cancel last minute because the depression has snuck in and held me back. So if you want to know how to help someone with depression I suggest love. Love them, talk to them, check in on them, help them to feel safe in confiding in you, exercise with them-sometimes they just need that friendly push/pull to get out of that hole.

I'm happy to answer any questions you may have about depression and I will always be a safe place if anyone needs to talk. Don't ever feel alone.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Oops I crapped my pants-seriously!

*Bonus post! Aren't you lucky little readers tonight? :)

This post was started a long time ago... I never finished it-but I feel that I owe you this ridiculous story that truly happened to me. I apologize that there aren't any pictures-but lets be honest-no one should have to see what I saw. I apologize for the swears you are about to read-but when someone is in a predicament like this-I promise you that there are no other words that will come to your mind!

So I'm not an expert, but I'm pretty sure that being fat really messes with your body. I've had so many issues with my body in the past couple of years and all of my problems can be linked to stress (shocker) and obesity. I've had female problems, hormone issues, stomach problems, dry skin, depression, anxiety, and migraines. I've sat on countless doctor's tables only to be embarrassed by the doctor telling me that if I lost some weight the problem would most likely go away.

So they put me on medications-medications to "fix" the problem or to mask it. One of the medications I'm on has the side effect of weight gain. This really pisses me off. How in the hell can I lose weight when I'm on a pill (to fix a problem caused by obesity) that makes me gain weight.

So tonight I decided that I was going to fight against this pill by going for a little "jog". I was so cool! I had my ipod playing some rockin' tunes, I had my new kicks on and Abbey was on her leash running along side of me. Well as I rounded the corner about a block away from my house it hit me. I had to go to the bathroom-and there was NO TIME to wait. I tried to pick up my speed-but lets be honest... even zombies chasing me couldn't make me run that much faster-especially when I am feeling my stomach exploding with each step.

"Run faster!" I thought... "you'll crap your pants" I was pleading with my body to give it all it had and get me home before I had the biggest and most embarrassing accident of the century. As I turned down my street I could see my apartment only a tenth of a mile away...the sweat was dripping down my face, "come on Jess!" I was screaming at myself... but it was no good.... shhhhhhtttttttttttttt.

I was there outside of my home-running-and it was happening-shit was filling up my drawers. There was nothing I could do to stop it. As the tears ran down my face I waddled the rest of the way home. What could I do? I ripped everything off (once inside of my house) and literally put it in a garbage bag and threw it away. I can't believe that this happened to me-but I am hoping that I am not alone. In a way I think that is why I'm sharing this incredibly embarrassing story with you-in hopes that one of you out there has done this very thing. So please feel free to share! Come on you know you wanna!

When hubs got home that night the first thing I said to him was, "Don't judge me. I shit my pants tonight. I feel that its important that you know that. Cause yeah... I shit my pants. I hope you still love me." I stood there waiting for my husband to be disgusted with me... but it didn't come. Instead he started laughing. We laughed so hard I almost ended up on the floor.

So that was the night that I shit my pants and found out that my husband must really love me.

**I'm no longer on the said weight gaining medication mentioned! HURRAY!!! But I still get nervous about going out for a jog on a bad stomach.

Go For It!

Ok so yesterday I confessed to you that I want to be rad and today I'm unveiling my new motto- GO FOR IT! I'm going to starting Going for it! In everything that I do-I want to do it well, do it with a smile and do it with passion. As a passionate person my lack of "radness" has really started to get me down. I'm finding it hard to remember the last rad thing I did. So here I go. Today I am absolutely certain that I can Go For It!

I learned a lesson about myself last month that I'd like to share with you. In November I was asked to participate in a holiday boutique-specifically I was asked to have a baked goods table. So many thoughts and feelings ran through my mind about doing this. I felt excited, scared, and I doubted my talents. After some major pep talking from the people I trust most-I decided to go for it. And you know what? I found bliss! I absolutely loved baking! In the midst of the joy I was feeling I actually started to feel like I could do anything. I was so caught up in my excitement and passion that I literally started to think that there wasn't a recipe that I couldn't conquer-not a craft I couldn't attempt and not a thing that I could not do.

Unfortunately I started letting in my negative thoughts again and those thoughts attempted to hold me back. Well today with my new motto, "Go For It", those negative thoughts are going to have to hitch a ride back to Negativeville. I'm going to go for it! I have some Valentine's Day crafts that I'm going to share with you. I hope that you will enjoy them and I hope that they will somehow inspire you to Go For It, to really find your own passion, find what moves you and just GO FOR IT!

Oh my gosh-I almost forgot to tell you about a few of my favorite things that are bringing me some happiness during this cold winter!

1. MAC- For many years I have been a devoted Laura Mercier girl, and while I still love Laura... I've decided to add some fun to my life and enjoy the MAC life! My favorite thing from MAC right now is the pigments! I absolutely love these versatile jar of color! It looks like someone broke your eyeshadow and put it into a little jar. You can use them wet, dry, mixed in with other things i.e. clear nail polish, clear lip gloss... anything you can think of. I'm obsessed. My latest purchase is magenta madness-it is basically hot pink! It is so much fun and perfect for Valentines' Day! Don't be afraid of color-rad people are not afraid of color!

2. Coconut Oil- Why have I not jumped on this band wagon sooner? I have only been using coconut oil a week and I feel like my skin will never be the same. Coconut oil has evened out my skin tone, it has healed blemishes and overall made my skin glow! I hear that I should be eating at least 1 tablespoon of it today-I'll let you know how this goes. I love it!! I just wish that someone would have told me about it earlier.

3. Groopdealz/Very Jane Ok so you will either love me or hate me for showing you these websites. I hope that you will love me! Groopdealz and Very Jane are daily boutique type websites that have several items available every day at an extremely discounted price. I am addicted to both of these sites and am having so much fun with both of them. I've been able to get a lot of fun anthropology/j crew type jewelry without paying the anthropology/ j crew prices. :) Check them out!!!

4. HomeGoods- Oh HomeGoods! I love you. I can not explain how much fun I have going to HomeGoods! I love to look at all of the creative things I could put in my home. I've decorated and redecorated my apartment in my mind about 50 times during my visits to HomeGoods. I get lots of inspiration and some fun gems in this store and I really can't wait for the day when I have a home to decorate! If you've never been to HomeGoods-do yourself a favor and check it out!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I Just Want to be Rad

Man I want to be rad! I've been thinking about it for a few weeks now and I've come to the conclusion that I just want to be rad. That is really all I want in life. I'm 100% convinced that if I am able to become rad-then I will be happy and healthy. Some of my friends (I swear that I paid them nothing) are actually under the assumption that I am already rad-but honestly ladies-I have a confession: I am so not rad.

I have had a lot of time on my hands during the last several months. This time has given me an opportunity to relax, think and over think every single decision that I've made in my life. Some of the decisions that I have made in my past were edgy, cool and sometimes even hip-but lately I feel like I've got a bad case of the blahs and the blase-ness has taken over any part of me that may have been cool. It is awful to admit this-but I am ready to change.

So I decided that I was going to be rad. I'm not really sure how one becomes "rad", the way I see it some people are just born cool. For me being "rad" looks like this. Ok but seriously lets think about what it means to be rad. According to urban dictionary  rad means:
"really cool, but in a more subtle way. as opposed to extreme orawesome. one of the highest compliments you can give someone. being rad is like being cool without having to work for it. it's like a natural coolness."
 Damn. So how do I go about being rad. Ok so for me this is what "rad" looks like. 
1. Healthy-like I'm the $hit kind of healthy. Like I'm so fit that I don't have to turn down any activity. I want to be strong, have stamina, and be an overall hard ass. 
2. Happy-like sing in the morning kind of happy. I want to wake up in the morning and be happy to be alive. (Currently I am not so happy to be alive most days. In fact I was kinda disappointed that the world didn't end. Kinda joking, kinda not.) 
3. Working in something that makes me incredibly happy and provides me a work life balance that I need. 
4. Organized! Nothing makes me crazier than my unorganized house. I've been working on this, but still haven't gotten to the level of organization that puts my little anxious heart at ease. 
5. Unafraid to try new things. I've really been trying to push myself to try new things. December was a huge month for me because I actually put one of my talents to work and participated in a holiday boutique. I want to keep trying new things-art projects, furniture remodeling, cooking, exercising-anything that has scared me in the past-I want to tackle. There is absolutely no reason that I can't do anything that I put my mind to. (My parents totally rocked that concept in to my head-yet I'm my biggest road block.) 

This all leads me to say... here I go. I'm going to try this blogging thing. When I really think about it-- blogging is the best possible job for me. Think about it... I get to write about all of the things I'm trying and doing-the recipes I'm trying, the movies I'm seeing, the adventures I'm having, the crafts I'm making for my home. The hubs and I had a great converstion about this today and he supports me so much. I've never known another person (other than my parents) that genuiinely wants me to be happy just as much or more than I do. So here I go! I total promise that I will fall down, I will get back up and I will want to quit- but I am going to try. I'm going to try with everything that I have in me. My new full time job is to be rad. So if you have any ideas of ways that I can be rad-or you have some words of encouragement please feel free to give me some feedback. 

Tomorrow I'm going to be coming up with my own personal statement and really make some realistic goals for myself. In the meantime to all of you my wonderful friends-keep on being RAD!